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《了斋易说一卷 宋 陈[灌(氵→王)] 撰》

【《了斋易说一卷 宋 陈[灌(氵→王)] 撰》 】
《四库全书》中有《了斋易说一卷 宋 陈[灌(氵→王)] 撰》,


美国公共行政理论的演变梁之硕 The seven concepts of educationWu Teh-Yao Relationship between situational stimuli and changing pattern ofbelief-responsesDaphne Low 古书中的校勘训诂问题王叔岷 孤儿诗及其他十六首韵语析评谢云飞 assessment of implementation systems for familyplanning programme in Loh, Tak-Chew Ho 楚辞「予」字研究翁世华 雪州米仓 : 适耕庄之地理概况洪国平 Reducibility of preverbal and postverbal locativesChen Chung-Yu and the People's Republic of China Poon Kim The role of the Company in the politicaldevelopment of C. Hardstone The university and the community Goh A study on Yat-sen's anti-imperialismKu Hung-ting 王[吾攵]姜斋公行述补证杨松年 东南亚华人及其前途 : 民族主义及社会主义的冲击宋明顺 朱三太子案戴玄之 The learning process in the East traditionWu Teh-Yao 新式应用文吴元华 古汉语语音研究资料初探潘文光 Life and living environment in kampongs and HDB public housingestates in Ching Ling, Peter Chen 作品朗诵与文学音律谢云飞 International politics : an art or a science?Richard W. 国际体系概论洪镰德 A comparative study on the scholastic achievement between nationalservice and non-national service freshmen at UniversityOng Teck Hong 读关汉卿的窦娥冤应裕康 A decade of , 1967-1977 Poon-Kim 「简体字总表」及其附表综论谢世涯 乔吉扬州梦杂剧本事小考应裕康 论简体字的混乱及其教学谢世涯 Thailand's foreign policy : an analysis of its evolution sinceWorld War IILiang Chi The roots of in the countries : a comparativeperspective Poon-Kim 韩非子与庄子王叔岷 圆规与水井 : 两首曲喻诗之比较研究王润华 Urban mass movement in action : the thirtieth movement in Hung-ting 郑樵论「七略」「汉志」语集评胡楚生 Reliability and validity of qualitative data Lau-fong 论新旧应用文的用语谢世涯 relations and the question of TaiwanChang Pao-min Path analysis : its elementary form Lau-fong Higher education for whom and for whatWu Teh-Yao The relationship between traditional Chinese parental attitude andthe development of cognitive complexity and rigidityBoey Kam Weng imbalance and regional development in peninsular Liang-Huew Ch'en Tu-hsiu : in quest of Chinese liberalismChang Pao-min A cognitive approach to the study of rigidityBoey Kam Weng The meaning and implications of social commitment in highereducationWu Teh-Yao 研究中国语文重要的英文学术期刊指引王润华 闻一多的「诗经学」吴元华 Confucius' and Plato's ideas of a republicWu Teh-yao Interdisciplinarity and higher education : the situation of University, Koh-ping 郭象与向秀庄注「本体-宇宙」论之殊异苏新鋈 Is one sociology possible? Lau The Canton ' Volunteer Corps incidentKu Hung-ting 朱熹的诗经学赖炎元 Post-graduate education in Teh-yao Taiwan at the crossroadsChang Pao-min 词的用韵谢云飞 's and ' ideas of politicsWu Teh-yao annotated guide to leading English language periodicals onChina : a selective list for the students of Chinese language andliteratureWong Yoon Wah Han Tsu's and 's ideas of statecraftWu Teh-yao 史记游侠列传考校王叔岷 
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