

Nanyang University Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences College of Graduate Studies Occasional Paper Series Singapore 1975-80

1 惠施与庄周 王叔岷 1975 FB.61:33.1(1)
2 Chinese traditional values and modernization Wu Teh-Yao 1975 FB.61:33.1(2)
3 康熙初叶「以万为姓」集团余党建立天地会 : 天地会起源新证之一 翁同文 1975 FB.61:33.1(3)
4 新闻写作新境界 : 气氛报导初探 陈先泽 1975 FB.61:33.1(4)
5 元代散曲的内容分析 王忠林 1975 FB.61:33.1(5)
6 A Chinese view of style : the theoretical bases of style in the Shih-P'in Wong Yoon Wah 1975 FB.61:33.1(6)
7 The significance of the salt industry in Ch'ing China Chiang Tao-chang 1976 -
8 To be a teacher Wu Teh-Yao 1976 FB.61:33.3(1)
9 老官斋教 戴玄之 1976 FB.61:33.3(2)
10 The development of the road system in Sarawak, East Malaysia Niew Shong Tong 1976 FB.61:33.3(3)
11 论文字学的实用性 李孝定 1976 FB.61:33.3(4)
12 社会科学与理念类型 : 韦柏方法论的探讨 洪镰德 1976 FB.61:33.3(5)
13 Kuomintang's mass movement and the Kreta Ayer incident (1927) in Malaya Ku Hung-ting 1976 FB.61:33.3(6)
14 Harbour resonance : a Singapore case study Tan Bee-koon, Yeh Chau-shioung 1976 FB.61:33.3(7)
15 The changing size and changing character of Chinese immigration to the United States Liang Chi Shad 1976 FB.61:33.3(8)
16 欧阳修的诗经学 赖炎元 1976 FB.61:33.3(9)
17 Late Ch'ing's modern enterprises and the Chinese in Singapore and Malaya, 1904-1911 Chui Kwei-chiang 1976 FB.61:33.3(10)
18 A documentary analysis of the Sino-Soviet relations Wun Kin-wah 1976 FB.61:33.4(1)
19 李后主词之释迦基督思想说辨诬 谢世涯 1976 FB.61:33.4(2)
20 从诗的工拙异同·论「唐三藏西游释厄传」与「西游记」的成书先后 皮述民 [著] 1976 FB.61:33.4(3)
21 ASEAN, politics of regional cooperation Shee Poon Kim 1976 FB.61:33.4(4)
22 Women in Singapore : legal, educational and economic aspects Cheng Siok Hwa 1976 FB.61:33.4(5)
23 楚辞语文零释 翁世华 1976 FB.61:33.4(6)
24 吉兰丹的华人 崔贵强 1976 FB.61:33.4(7)
25 南词叙录与南戏 应裕康 1976 FB.61:33.4(8)
26 生活体系与消费行为模式 : 消费行为的社会学研究 宋明顺 1976 FB.61:33.4(9)
27 中国诗论作品欠缺系统的问题 杨松年 1976 FB.61:33.4(10)
28 Nationalism and the plural society : some problems in integration Peter C.N. Hardstone 1976 FB.61:33.5(1)
29 Some reflexions on the concept of "peace" in the international legal order K.E. Shaw 1976 FB.61:33.5(2)
30 从字音的观点看学习汉字的难易 谢云飞 1976 FB.61:33.5(3)
31 论华语常用字汇的编订 卢绍昌 1976 FB.61:33.5(4)
32 Cultural difference between China and Japan Tadao Sakai 1976 FB.61:33.5(5)
33 The training of teachers in Singapore, 1870-1940 Gwee Yee Hean 1976 FB.61:33.5(6)
34 臧克家早期的诗歌 蔡秀珍 1976 FB.61:33.5(7)
35 沙巴的港市 饶尚东 1976 FB.61:33.5(8)
36 The stormy months between 5th August 1973 and 15th January 1974 in Indonesia : the issues and agitations Ng Chin-Keong 1976 FB.61:33.5(9)
37 谢灵运的生平资料 吴元华 1976 FB.61:33.5(10)
38 The influence of Zen on Noh plays in Japan Hung-ting Ku 1976 FB.61:33.6(1)
39 A synchronic phonology of modern Cantonese dialect Phoon Mun-Kwong 1976 FB.61:33.6(2)
40 王符思想中一基本观念「人道曰为」之解析 胡楚生 1976 FB.61:33.6(3)
41 论南唐中主李景词 谢世涯 1976 FB.61:33.6(4)
42 The traditional Chinese concept, strategy and art of governance Wu Teh-Yao 1976 FB.61:33.6(5)
43 半岛东南亚的干湿问题 陈国彦 1976 FB.61:33.6(6)
44 美国公共行政理论的演变 梁之硕 1976 FB.61:33.6(7)
45 The seven concepts of education Wu Teh-Yao 1976 FB.61:33.6(8)
46 Relationship between situational stimuli and changing pattern of belief-responses Daphne N.L. Low 1976 FB.61:33.6(9)
47 古书中的校勘训诂问题 王叔岷 1976 FB.61:33.6(10)
48 孤儿诗及其他十六首韵语析评 谢云飞 1976 FB.61:33.7(1)
49 Analytical assessment of implementation systems for family planning programme in Singapore Boon-Piah Loh, Tak-Chew Ho 1976 FB.61:33.7(2)
50 楚辞「予」字研究 翁世华 1976 FB.61:33.7(3)
51 雪州米仓 : 适耕庄之地理概况 洪国平 1976 FB.61:33.7(4)
52 Reducibility of preverbal and postverbal locatives Chen Chung-Yu 1976 FB.61:33.7(5)
53 ASEAN and the People's Republic of China Shee Poon Kim 1976 FB.61:33.7(6)
54 The role of the Straits Steamship Company in the political development of Malaysia Peter C.N. Hardstone 1976 FB.61:33.7(7)
55 The university and the community N.W. Goh 1976 FB.61:33.8(1)
56 A study on Sun Yat-sen's anti-imperialism Ku Hung-ting 1976 FB.61:33.8(2)
57 王[吾攵]姜斋公行述补证 杨松年 1976 FB.61:33.8(3)
58 东南亚华人及其前途 : 民族主义及社会主义的冲击 宋明顺 1976 FB.61:33.8(4)
59 朱三太子案 戴玄之 1977 FB.61:33.8(5)
60 The learning process in the East Asian tradition Wu Teh-Yao 1977 FB.61:33.8(6)
61 新式应用文 吴元华 1977 FB.61:33.8(7)
62 古汉语语音研究资料初探 潘文光 1977 FB.61:33.8(8)
63 Life and living environment in kampongs and HDB public housing estates in Singapore Tai Ching Ling, Peter S.J. Chen 1977 -
64 作品朗诵与文学音律 谢云飞 1977 FB.61:33.10(1)
65 International politics : an art or a science? Richard W. Mansbach 1977 FB.61:33.10(2)
66 国际体系概论 洪镰德 1977 FB.61:33.10(3)
67 A comparative study on the scholastic achievement between national service and non-national service freshmen at Nanyang University Ong Teck Hong 1977 FB.61:33.10(4)
68 读关汉卿的窦娥冤 应裕康 1977 FB.61:33.10(5)
69 A decade of ASEAN, 1967-1977 Shee Poon-Kim 1977 FB.61:33.10(6)
70 「简体字总表」及其附表综论 谢世涯 1977 FB.61:33.10(7)
71 乔吉扬州梦杂剧本事小考 应裕康 1977 FB.61:33.10(8)
72 论简体字的混乱及其教学 谢世涯 1977 FB.61:33.10(9)
73 Thailand's foreign policy : an analysis of its evolution since World War II Liang Chi Shad 1977 FB.61:33.10(10)
74 The roots of Sinophobia in the ASEAN countries : a comparative perspective Shee Poon-Kim 1977 FB.61:33.11(1)
75 韩非子与庄子 王叔岷 1977 FB.61:33.11(2)
76 圆规与水井 : 两首曲喻诗之比较研究 王润华 1977 FB.61:33.11(3)
77 Urban mass movement in action : the May thirtieth movement in Shanghai Ku Hung-ting 1977 FB.61:33.11(4)
78 郑樵论「七略」「汉志」语集评 胡楚生 1977 FB.61:33.11(5)
79 Reliability and validity of qualitative data Mak Lau-fong 1977 FB.61:33.11(6)
80 论新旧应用文的用语 谢世涯 1977 FB.61:33.11(7)
81 Sino-American relations and the question of Taiwan Chang Pao-min 1977 FB.61:33.11(8)
82 Path analysis : its elementary form Mak Lau-fong 1977 FB.61:33.11(9)
83 Higher education for whom and for what Wu Teh-Yao 1977 FB.61:33.11(10)
84 The relationship between traditional Chinese parental attitude and the development of cognitive complexity and rigidity Boey Kam Weng 1977 FB.61:33.12(1)
85 Fiscal imbalance and regional development in peninsular Malaysia Wang Liang-Huew 1977 FB.61:33.12(2)
86 Ch'en Tu-hsiu : in quest of Chinese liberalism Chang Pao-min 1977 FB.61:33.12(3)
87 A cognitive approach to the study of rigidity Boey Kam Weng 1977 FB.61:33.12(4)
88 The meaning and implications of social commitment in higher education Wu Teh-Yao 1977 FB.61:33.12(5)
89 研究中国语文重要的英文学术期刊指引 王润华 1977 FB.61:33.12(6)
90 闻一多的「诗经学」 吴元华 1977 FB.61:33.13(1)
91 Confucius' and Plato's ideas of a republic Wu Teh-yao 1978 FB.61:33.13(2)
92 Interdisciplinarity and higher education : the situation of Nanyang University, Singapore Ang Koh-ping 1978 FB.61:33.13(3)
93 郭象与向秀庄注「本体-宇宙」论之殊异 苏新鋈 1978 FB.61:33.13(4)
94 Is one sociology possible? Mak Lau-Fong 1978 FB.61:33.13(5)
95 The Canton Merchants' Volunteer Corps incident Ku Hung-ting 1978 FB.61:33.13(6)
96 朱熹的诗经学 赖炎元 1978 FB.61:33.13(7)
97 Post-graduate education in Southeast Asia Wu Teh-yao 1978 FB.61:33.14(1)
98 Taiwan at the crossroads Chang Pao-min 1978 FB.61:33.14(2)
99 词的用韵 谢云飞 1978 FB.61:33.14(3)
100 Aristotle's and Mencius' ideas of politics Wu Teh-yao 1978 FB.61:33.14(4)
101 An annotated guide to leading English language periodicals on China : a selective list for the students of Chinese language and literature Wong Yoon Wah 1978 FB.61:33.14(5)
102 Han Fei Tsu's and Machiavelli's ideas of statecraft Wu Teh-yao 1978 FB.61:33.14(6)
103 史记游侠列传考校 王叔岷 1978 FB.61:33.14(7)
104 A sequential stochastic model for shopping linkages analysis and planning Wang Liang Huew 1978 FB.61:33.14(8)
105 Ethnic identity, socio-legal status and political apathy Mak Lau-fong 1978 FB.61:33.14(9)
106 祁彪佳的生平及其传记资料 应裕康 1979 FB.61:33.15(1)
107 Population structure and trends in Singapore : a historical survey Cheng Siok Hwa 1979 FB.61:33.15(2)
108 The teaching-learning process in political science : with special reference to international affairs Wu Teh-yao 1979 FB.61:33.15(3)
109 俗传二十四孝探源 谢云飞 1979 FB.61:33.15(4)
110 The present and future balance of power in world geopolitics Wu Teh-yao 1979 FB.61:33.15(5)
111 「中外新闻七日录」研究 : 晚清期刊研究之一 王慷鼎 1979 FB.61:33.15(6)
112 Gambling and the industrial workers Mak Lau Fong 1979 FB.61:33.15(7)
113 An approach to the study of international relations Wu Teh Yao 1979 FB.61:33.15(8)
114 老舍在「小坡的生日」中对今日新加坡的预言 王润华 1979 FB.61:33.15(9)
115 Traditional values and modern Singapore : random thoughts on the relevance of the Eastern heritage Chang Pao Min 1979 FB.61:33.16(1)
116 李攀龙及其「古今诗删」研究 杨松年 1979 FB.61:33.16(2)
117 史记「项羽本纪」史学意义探讨 林肇刚 1979 FB.61:33.16(3)
118 Career mobility patterns of high-ranking officials in Ch'ing China, 1730-1906 Ku Hung-ting 1980 FB.61:33.16(4)
119 Continuity and change in China Wu Teh-yao 1980 FB.61:33.16(5)


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