
Chinese Dynastic Histories Translations

Berkeley University of California Press 1952-68

1 Biographies of Meng Hao-jan 孟浩然 H.H. Frankel 旧唐书(190)
1952 FB.116:01.1(1)
2 Biography of Ku K'ai-chih 顾恺之 Chen Shih-hsiang 晋书(92) 1953 FB.116:01.1(2)
3 Biography of Su Ch'o 苏绰 C.S. Goodrich 周书(23) 1953 FB.116:01.1(3)
4 Account of the T'u-yü-hun 吐谷浑 T.B. Carroll 晋书(97) 1953 FB.116:01.1(4)
5 Biography of Huang Ch'ao 黄巢 H.S. Levy 新唐书(225) 1955 FB.116:01.1(5)
6 Accounts of Western Nations R.A. Miller 周书(50) 1959 FB.116:01.2(1)
7 Biography of Lü Kuang 吕光 R.B. Mather 晋书(122) 1959 FB.116:01.2(2)
8 Biography of An Lu-shan 安禄山 H.S. Levy 旧唐书(200) 1960 FB.116:01.2(3)
9 Biography of Yü-wen Hu 宇文护 A.E. Dien 周书(11) 1962 FB.116:01.2(4)
10 The Chronicle of Fu Chien 苻坚 M.C. Rogers 晋书(113) 1968 FB.116:01.3


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