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《西徼水道 一卷(清)黄懋材撰》

【《西徼水道 一卷(清)黄懋材撰》 】
《小方壶斋舆地丛钞》中有《西徼水道 一卷(清)黄懋材撰》,


高本汉谐声谱 : 谐声字及又读字与声调的关系之研究陈胜长、江汝[氵名]合著 惠施与庄周王叔岷 Chinese traditional values and modernizationWu Teh-Yao 康熙初叶「以万为姓」集团余党建立天地会 : 天地会起源新证之一翁同文 新闻写作新境界 : 气氛报导初探陈先泽 元代散曲的内容分析王忠林 A Chinese view of style : the theoretical bases of style in the'inWong Yoon Wah The significance of the salt industry in Ch'ing ChinaChiang Tao-chang To be a teacherWu Teh-Yao 老官斋教戴玄之 The development of the road system in , East Tong 论文字学的实用性李孝定 社会科学与理念类型 : 韦柏方法论的探讨洪镰德 Kuomintang's mass movement and the Kreta incident (1927) in Hung-ting Harbour resonance : a case studyTan Bee-koon, Yeh Chau-shioung The changing size and changing character of Chinese immigration tothe United Chi 欧阳修的诗经学赖炎元 Late Ch'ing's modern enterprises and the Chinese in and, 1904-1911Chui Kwei-chiang A documentary analysis of the relationsWun Kin-wah 李后主词之释迦基督思想说辨诬谢世涯 从诗的工拙异同·论「唐三藏西游释厄传」与「西游记」的成书先后皮述民 [著 , politics of regional cooperation Poon Kim Women in : legal, educational and economic aspectsCheng Hwa 楚辞语文零释翁世华 吉兰丹的华人崔贵强 南词叙录与南戏应裕康 生活体系与消费行为模式 : 消费行为的社会学研究宋明顺 中国诗论作品欠缺系统的问题杨松年 and the plural society : some problems in integrationPeter C. Hardstone reflexions on the concept of "peace" in the internationallegal orderK.E. 从字音的观点看学习汉字的难易谢云飞 论华语常用字汇的编订卢绍昌 Cultural difference between China and JapanTadao The training of teachers in , 1870-1940Gwee Yee Hean 臧克家早期的诗歌蔡秀珍 沙巴的港市饶尚东 The stormy months between 5th 1973 and 15th January 1974 inIndonesia : the issues and agitations Chin-Keong 谢灵运的生平资料吴元华 The influence of Zen on plays in JapanHung-ting Ku A synchronic phonology of modern Cantonese dialectPhoon 王符思想中一基本观念「人道曰为」之解析胡楚生 论南唐中主李景词谢世涯 The traditional Chinese concept, strategy and art of governanceWu Teh-Yao 半岛东南亚的干湿问题陈国彦 美国公共行政理论的演变梁之硕 The seven concepts of educationWu Teh-Yao Relationship between situational stimuli and changing pattern ofbelief-responsesDaphne Low 古书中的校勘训诂问题王叔岷 孤儿诗及其他十六首韵语析评谢云飞 assessment of implementation systems for familyplanning programme in Loh, Tak-Chew Ho 楚辞「予」字研究翁世华 雪州米仓 : 适耕庄之地理概况洪国平 Reducibility of preverbal and postverbal locativesChen Chung-Yu and the People's Republic of China Poon Kim The role of the Company in the politicaldevelopment of C. Hardstone The university and the community Goh A study on Yat-sen's anti-imperialismKu Hung-ting 王[吾攵]姜斋公行述补证杨松年 东南亚华人及其前途 : 民族主义及社会主义的冲击宋明顺 朱三太子案戴玄之 
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